What was my Bitcoin and other crypto worth on X date?

Get the price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency coins on a specific date to work out your investment profits or as a useful tool to help with filing your taxes.

Use WhatIfIHODL.com to find out the close price of 21 popular cryptocurrency coins from blockchain projects in 5 major fiat currencies.

Did you ever wish you had a Bitcoin price history calculator? Well on this page you can find out historical BTC prices as well as the past price by date of many other cryptocurrency coins also.

The historical price calculator will instantly tell you the price of a particular crypto coin on a specific date which is useful when doing your investment research or if you require help with filing local taxes where you need to be able to recall a price for any previous transaction.

If you would like to suggest a new tool to assist in the reporting earnings from crypto trading for tax purposes please get in touch.

Historical crypto prices

Get the price of a coin on a specific date. This may be useful for taxation purposes.


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